Hey, Cosmic Healer...

I know you're here to help reshape the world.

I know you're a healer.

I know you've got so much power within you just waiting to be activated and turned on.


Have you ever felt like you were so different than those around you?


Like you understood the world on a completely different level?

Like you thought, felt, and simply existed in a different state than the souls you encountered?

Have you ever felt like the black sheep of the family? 

Yearning to understand why you are so different.  

Like you are the generational curse breaker ready to free yourself from karmic & ancestral patterns?

Yearning to understand why you are the way you are?

You’re not alone.

If you’re reading this, chances are you have deep healing abilities naturally, and you are or want to step into the healers role.

Chances are you ARE a generational and karmic healer.

This is your time. 

People have a yearning need to discover where they have been in order to break generation ties, heal past life wounds, and finally end repeated and toxic patterns.

This work is deeply needed right now.

You're ready to go deeper on your astrological journey.

You're ready to become a certified Karmic Astrologer liberating souls from their karmic bondage and wounds.

There is something within you who remembers living lives before this one. Chances are your clients (or future clients!) do too.  

There is something inside of you that knows deep within your heart that you are meant for big healing in this life, and meant to be that healer for other.

Maybe you’ve worked with me before and you’re ready to take on this work yourself because you’ve found deep healing within it for yourself. 

You feel like you are here to break generation curses, heal ancestral trauma, and finally liberate yourself from old bondage. Maybe it’s that this is your message to share with the world. 

There is a power link to the past for many of us here in this incarnation, I believe some of us are just more in tune than others, and some of us are ready to understand what healing is needed in order for us to truly progress forward on our paths.

You feel you are here for something big, like you were incarnated with a great mission that you haven’t quite grasped yet.

You have found your mission, but you know in order to complete it, you must help heal others past life and ancestral wounds.

I know, because I’ve been there too.

Cosmic Healer, the world needs your magic.

You are to be initiated.

In my own soul retrieval, I have been able to find fragments lost to me in this incarnation and have begun to live in alignment with my soul's true path.

Years ago I was a fame addict, an adoration addict, and a praise seeker, and I would have done anything to be seen as important or prestigious. I was living my life completely out of alignment, dating a guy I knew I didn’t love in order to get forward in the music industry. I was always seeking out friendships that could get me somewhere, help me meet someone important, or help further my “rise to fame”. I felt there was something so deeply special about me (which there is) and all the world should recognize this and adore me for it.

I was living out old wounds, playing out repeated patterns, and being called back to my true path over and over yet missing the call again and again because I was too busy fame chasing. The people I surrounded myself with made me feel empty, and yet I kept them around in case they could “do something for me” or help me achieve some sort of status. I saw value in what people could provide for me in climbing the social ladder, instead of what true value and happiness that person brought to my life. This had been a pattern being played out since childhood that I dreamed off often, until through this work these dreams began to shift into loving and forgiving dreams with these people.

I felt empty. I felt like I was always second best. My heart ached day in and day out seeking out these old wounded patterns, believing truly within my soul that I would “finally be happy when I got the fame and recognition I so desired.” The truth was that I was actually seeking adoration without wanting to put in any of the work.

One day I read about a karmic point in my astrology and everything changed. I suddenly saw all my pulling and fight toward an old path and how miserable it was making me. And I saw the light of my true destiny through the cracks in the door I held closed before me for generations it seemed.

When I became an astrologer, I studied my own chart so heavily (and still do daily) and my own karmic signatures began to reveal themselves to me. Suddenly I understood all my childhood connections to my past lives, I understood why I had always felt so out of sync with my own soul, and how I could begin to truly and finally heal these old karmic signatures and liberate my soul. I understood where I abused my power, I tapped into my own anger and finally was able to work through my own fears of abandonment.

With all of this, I now live deeply in alignment with the wounds of my soul. I am always working toward healing my need for approval and adoration (as sometimes this work takes a lifetime) but every day I work, through this process, to understand my true path, what my destiny is, and work toward living this incarnation in the most healed and aligned way possible.

For me, that means walking the healer's path, diving deep into past wounds, and healing these karmic patterns in myself and in others.

I no longer fall into repeated patterns of heart break and abandonment.

I no longer accept the fake and conditional adoration of those who could help me climb the social ladder.

I no longer seek approval from outside sources.

I no longer surround myself with toxic relationships that leave me feeling heartbroken and empty.

I no longer try to be anything more than what I am, in my own perfection.

I now live in true alignment with my soul.

I walk the path that feels right to me.

I proudly wear my witch energy on my sleeve.

I stand with pride in my healers journey for all to see.

I enjoy pleasure filled passionate relationships with people I love.

I go deep, release, and heal daily.

And I am truly walking my path in this incarnation with all my personal magic. 

I am liberated through my initiation, and you can be too.

Have you ever felt like...

You are here to take your sacred power back.

The power you gave away lifetime after lifetime.

The power you let be stripped away from you by others.

The power that is integral to your souls path moving forward.

This is for the healer or astrology novice. (note, this is not a traditional basic astrology course and you will be learning to read through my own tried and true practice for past life astrology specifically)

Over these 8 weeks you will learn how uncover past life knowledge through your clients birth charts through my tried and true process. You will learn how to bring karmic astrology into your own healing process, and use this knowledge to deepen your healing with your clients. You will discover how to embody and release old karmic ties, first through your own chart, and then through the charts of your clients. 

You will be guided into a self-discovery journal process through 5 pre-recorded Masterclasses that you can take in your own time to completely immerse yourself in your own soul codes through the teachings. 

You will understand how to interpret your own chart and begin understanding the story your soul reveals to you through the stars.

Through this process you will have the personal knowledge to access your highest states of healing.

The cherry on top is that you will understand no only how to help your clients heal their past life wounds, but also how to discover their purpose and find greater alignment toward their destiny. 

This is the exact process I use every single day to understand my own energetic make up, past life signature, and to heal my soul day in and day out and the exact process I work with during my readings. 

This Apprenticeship Is For:

  • The Healer who is ready to take their practice to the next level

  • The healer who loves past lives

  • The soul who is passionate about shadow work, wound healing, and transforming

  • The spirit who is willing to go into the underworld with their clients

  • The healer who needs deeper tools for their clients to truly find healing and radical transformation

  • The person called to work with karma, past lives, and ancestry

  • The soul who loves astrology and wants a new way to read charts to assist themselves and their clients

  • The person who identifies as a soul retriever, or psychopomp, who retrieves messages from the underworld

  • The healer who believes healing comes from old wounds within the soul

It’s time for integration. 

We bring the cosmos down to earth and into the body here. 

One of the reasons this astrology certification is so different is because we balance the energies in the chart through shamanic principles.

Earth is a duality based world and so within that each sign, elements, modalities and more have the ability to be balanced through their opposites.

You will learn to energetically tap into what is needed based on the imbalances you will learn to discover in birth charts.

Using embodiment techniques such as crystals, oils, herbs, yoga, and so much more you’ll be able to access deep healing by bringing the cosmos down to earth. 

You will even discover how the chakras are linked into the planets in signs to help pin point imbalances in the energetic body. 

I’m Vika Bradford,

When I began tapping into my own natal chart I found a profound psychological connection between Pluto and my soul. 

Learning I have carried myself through many lives healing many wounds it has been revealed to me that in this life I work for Pluto. He guides me through the past life karmic healing process so that I may help others do the same.

The work of understanding the soul wounds is my own personal soul work in this life and it is my great honour to help you transmute your wounds into your magic.

I am so deeply in love with the process of transformation, rediscovering personal power, and making your life the true vision of what you want by tapping into your soul's magic carried over through many lives. 

I was so lost in my own victimhood for so long. I was so angry. I self-sabotaged all the relationships in my life. I cried and cried wondering why money wouldn’t flow into my life easily after reading every manifestation book. I kicked my feet when things didn’t go my way. I felt the soul crushing pain of living off my authentic path. 

I cannot wait to help you find your personal magic through your past life connection and begin to heal the internal wounds within your soul by seeing them for what they are, taking the good from them and utilizing it in your life, and releasing the old. 

Why Karmic Astrology?

discover my story here...

The reason I knew I had to create it’s karmic was to invite a new healing way of looking at your cosmic blue print to the world. There was a layer of astrology missing from the teachings I was finding out there.

This training brings in these intentional cosmic signatures but then forget about them when we get earth side.

I’m here to help you understand the cosmos on such a profound level that you never look at life the same again

I’m here to show you that you can access time, space, dimensions, and past lives through birth charts.

I’m here to show you that the birth chart contains so much magic interwoven into the very fabric of your personal sky.

I want to show you the deepest and most potent parts of using the cosmos to heal yours and others lives.

I’m here to show you how to live in deeper alignment with your soul signature 

So that you can carry this knowledge into this world and begin helping the world, the earth, and the souls on it begin to truly heal.

It doesn’t matter if you become an astrologer, a healer, or anything in that vein. I want to teach you how to live within your own cosmic rhythms every single day. 

By the end of this certification you will understand how to: 

  • How to read a natal chart through my BONUS astro basics course. (value of $444)

  • Read Karmic Signatures, and help your clients stop acting from old outdated patterns, and become their most authentic and healed self.

  • Read Soul Wound through the natal chart, and teach your clients how to integrate their souls medicine, and what their sacred magic is.

  • Read Karmic Scars in the natal chart, and teach your clients how to break old vows, and discover where their power truly lies.

  • Read souls purpose and help your clients align to their path to greatest fulfillment and happiness.

  • Gain clarity of your wounds from past life personally, as well as understand how to read them in your clients charts.

  • Understand sacred magic and how to step into your power, while guiding your clients to step into their own.

  • Uncover how to read your clients true purpose and path to greatest fulfillment.

  • Understand and bring archetypes into your readings, as well as working with your own. 

  • Understand Embodiment Techniques and use shamanic practices to heal through the cosmos

It all begins on the New Moon Aries & Spring Equinox March 21st 2023.

Calls will be held every Wednesday from 6-8pm EDT, 3-5pm PDT from March 21st until May 23rd 2023.

What you get:

8 LIVE Virtual Lessons with me
2 Study Sessions with the Group

Bonus Live Session: Reading the Dark Feminine in the chart.


The Pre-Recorded Masterclasses

[to take at your own pace]

Your Karmic Path

Understand where you are coming from, and what energies you are mastering in this life through one of your sacred archetypes. 

Your Karmic Tendencies

Tap in and discover your natural archetype, habits, and repeated patterns lie from many lives lived while uncovering the medicine for this wound through your birth chart. 

Your Karmic Patterns

You will claim one of your most powerful archetypes and begin to tap into blindspots, sacred magic, and the medicine of this wound. 

Your Karmic Path

Understand where you have rejected energies, what vows you have taken, and how to find liberation and reclaim your power.


The Soul Master

You will claim and understand your soul master, your deepest subconscious wound, dive into your underworld, and be reborn with your sacred magic. 


Emotional Karma

You will understand how to read and work with your emotional karma from past lives and integrate the shadows into this incarnation.

The dates will be Wednesdays from 6-8pm eastern as follows:


March 22nd 2023

March 29th 2023

April 5th 2023

April 12th 2023

April 19th 2023

April 26th 2023

May 3rd 2023

May 10th 2023

May 17th 2023

May 24th 2023

The Doors Close March 15th!

Early bird price ends March 9th ✨

What you get when you say yes to your soul: 

10 Live Masterclasses With Me [Value of $3000]

+ BONUS LIVE: Reading The Dark Feminine Asteroids & Karmic Power Reclaiming 2.5 hour workshop [Value of $555]

5 Pre-Recorded Masterclasses [Value of $2222]

Master Workbook 

Karmic Astrology Resource & Embodiment Guide Book [Value of $555]

BONUS: You will receive access to my astro-basics course [value of $444]

PAY IN FULL BONUS: Access to my sacred archetypes Course [value of $444]

Your deposit and payments are non-refundable. If you do not complete your payment pan you will lose access to the course immediately until the payment has been processed. Please commit to the process.

Early Bird Bonuses:

+ Astro Basics [value of $444]

+ Alchemize The Depths Masterclass (Value of $222)

+ Pay in Full Bonus of my Sacred Archetypes MasterCourse [Value of $444 value]

Payment plans available for trusted clients and students. Let's hop on a call! ✨

If you’re ready to take your healing practice to the next level or you’re ready to finally step into your healing roll and have questions, let’s hop on a quick call to see if this certification is the right fit for you!

What's inside:

  Welcome & Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll
  South Node
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Dominant Sign
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Emotional Karma: The Moon
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Live Classes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  My Gift To You!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Alchemize the Depths
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

What My Students & Clients Are Saying:

“I loved Vika’s teaching style. Not only is she a plethora of karmic knowledge, she does a beautiful job sharing and organizing the information in a way that’s easy to digest and understand, regardless of your astrology level. Highly recommend this course if you want to add karmic components to your work or if you want to better understand and heal your own personal karma.”

- Renata Taravski, Astrologer and Spiritual Mentor

“I just can't imagine not having this space to vibe and learn with you the way I have. I absolutely adore you and it's been such a pleasure and honour to learn from you! You are an amazing wise Soul and there really hasn't ever been a teacher/mentor/guide I've come across where I've felt totally in resonance with until you and YOU have truly shown me the way through my shadows by reclaiming my magic and for that I am eternally grateful!!!”

- Tarika Vara, Spiritual & Metaphysical Counselor

When I first took Vika’s Astro Basics course, all I knew was my sun sign. Now I have an astrological guide named Merlin, who is an asteroid. My point being, that in a short period of time I learnt so much about the cosmos and it has changed the way I think about life in the best way. Vika is a brilliant astrologer and an amazing teacher & mentor. I really can’t say enough about not only this course but also ‘It’s Karmic’ and her mentorship if you are looking to go deeper into the karmic side of things.

-Nova Freebird, Karmic Astrology Student & Kundalini Yoga Teacher in Training

My reading with Vika blew my mind. She was able to shed light on past life experiences that explain some of the fears and struggles I have today that don’t always make “sense”. I felt so seen and validated- as if she was reading to me my life story. She sheds light on your shadows in the most loving way- it was unlike any astrology reading I’ve ever done!

-Jessica Rose, Divine Feminine Leader & Energetic + Business Activator

What It's Karmic Students Are Saying:


How long do I get access to the course:
You will have access the content of It's Karmic of 12 months.

Do I need to know how to read charts to be in this course?
No, you will be taught to read charts through the bonus course: Astro Basics + through my lens of Karmic Astrology

✨ What if I can't make any of the live calls?
It's okay if you can't make any of the live classes. All will be recorded and a replay will be sent out to you promptly. There will be a telegram group for you to ask questions and catch up with the other students.

What happens if I can't make a payment?
If you for any reason can't make a payment please discuss this with our team. There will be very limited reasons that will keep you with access to the course, but we will do our best to support your human-ness. If you miss a payment or multiple payments without an approved conversation you will lose access to the course until all payments are caught up.